Happy Holiday Season

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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The Anxious Generation

The Transformation From Play To Phone

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Planting Season is Here

Join us at the Farm!

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Give Your Kids a Break

This is the concept of reducing stress in children's lives by allowing them more time for leisure and play

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Empowering Children

The Case for Giving Them a Voice and Responsibility

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Embrace the Mess

Why Kids Should Get Dirty and Think for Themselves

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Epple Farm is a Farm for Kids and Young Adults

Exploring Epple Farm - Where the Adventure Begins.

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The Power of Interest in Learning

Why It Must Be Self-Determined

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Growing Up Wild

It's important to strike a balance between fostering creativity and ensuring safety

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What's Wrong With Modern Education

It prioritizes standardized testing and rote memorization over genuine understanding and engagement.

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Understanding Production and Money

Learning by doing, from seedling to finished produce and sales, we learn how it all leads to monetary exchange

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Homeschooling and Alternative Education Systems are Legally Recognized in South Africa

In combination with the farm experience, it is a win win for all.

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From Farm Life to Ivy League

Alternative Routes to High School Diplomas

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Letting Kids Learn

The Power of Discovery

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The Importance of Allowing Children to Care for Animals

In a world increasingly dominated by screens and technology, the value of hands-on experiences with animals cannot be overstated.

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The Concept of Natural Reading

Natural reading refers to the process through which one learns to read without formal instruction

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How Children Figure Out by Themselves How to Read

Children learn to read through a natural process that involves exploration, observation, and interaction with their environment.

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Welcome to Epple Farm

A place where children's dreams come true.

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Farm to Table Cooking

Pick’n Eat at Epple Farm

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Experiencing crafts as a child is a delightful journey filled with creativity and exploration.

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Issues with Formal Education in Schools

Formal education systems, particularly in schools, face several criticisms that highlight their limitations and shortcomings.

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Introduction to Writing for Young Children

Allowing Children to Develop Writing Skills Naturally

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The Importance of Academics in the Age of AI

In today's rapidly evolving landscape shaped by artificial intelligence (AI), the role of traditional academics is being re-evaluated

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Learning to Calculate Through Real-Life Applications

Children and adults alike often grasp mathematical concepts better when they see how these calculations solve everyday problems.

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Understanding Language Development

Children learn to understand and begin to speak through a combination of listening, social interaction, and imitation

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From Basic Calculations to Advanced Mathematical Applications

Learning to calculate expenses is often the first step in a broader journey toward mastering more complex mathematical concepts.

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New Technologies Mandate New Education Systems

With the Internet the population of this planet has access to all the information of this planet. Teachers seem to live in the age of the dinosaur.

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Kids Growing up on a Farm

Growing up on a farm can offer children a unique and enriching upbringing, providing them with valuable experiences and skills that can shape their personal and educational development.

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The Bell's Echo

In a world not so far from our own

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